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The stock option hedging and covered call search engine

Option Find - Covered Calls - Hedging and Options

What is Optionfind.com?
You have found the home of the Power Financial Group's equity option search engine and covered call quotes. The Power Financial Group has a series of products that serves the stock and option markets. All of these products are based on the patented technology of our search engine. This site, OptionFind, has the following main features:

The dynamic search engine allows you to screen for stock options (calls or puts) or covered call option plays based upon your parameters for: Volume, open interest, Stock Price, Option Price, Return and months till expiration, Black-Scholes Implied Option Premium, ratio of Black Scholes Implied Option Premium to Option Bid Price (for calculating over and underpriced options), and MORE.. Once you find the results you like, you may click a link and a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file containing the options you have searched for is created for you instantly. This allows you to do whatever you wish with the data. The search engine contains prices that are updated at 12 noon and at 5 PM EST after the close. Each quote is dated. See our sample search form .

To use the search engine you can TAKE OUR FREE TRIAL. In order to help you learn how to use the search engine, we have created a page of sample queries that may fit one of your investment strategies AS ALWAYS, PLEASE INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY ALL DATA WITH YOUR BROKER !

Quotes for covered call option returns on any optionable stock are updated twice per day. Updates are made at 12 noon and 5 PM EST during each market day.

Do you wish to learn about option hedging? We have a tutorial. Learn how it's possible to make a profit without calling the market.

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Option Find - Covered Calls

A note about our calculations and data

Covered call if NOT called out" returns are based upon option bid price and never includes a potential loss or profit from being called out. "Return if called out" includes both a potential loss and a potential profit from being called out. Whenever you use the system, be mindful that no warrantees are given as to the accuracy of the data.

Be certain to independently verify any theoretical return first with your broker as certain equities or options, due to special circumstances, may not be accurately presented. Before making any trade, further research and analysis into other market factors should be done to qualify any particular trade. You must use this entire website at your own risk and you must read and abide by the disclaimer.